A Wake-up Call for Black Women about the Down Low

Released on = January 31, 2006, 3:07 pm

Press Release Author = Lifestyle Publications

Industry = Healthcare

Press Release Summary = Important information for Black women on National Black
HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, and a FREE tip sheet which tells how to find out if a man is
on the down low on

Press Release Body = As National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day approaches, (February
7) Black women need to become aware of 3 important facts:

. Black Women are the highest risk category for HIV/AIDS.

. Record numbers of Black women are contracting HIV/AIDS through heterosexual
contact - mainly from husbands and boyfriends on the down low.

. Black women have been misinformed about how to tell if a man is on the down low --
which hampers their ability to protect themselves against heterosexually-contracted

Husbands and Boyfriends a Source of Infection

Most Black women are surprised to learn that HIV/AIDS has spread far beyond the
boundaries of the gay community. Black women now account for approximately 70% of
all new AIDS cases. And their husbands and boyfriends are the reason why.

Ruth Houston, a New York-based infidelity expert and founder of InfidelityAdvice.com
says, "Most Black women who are married or in committed relationships have been
lulled into a false sense of security regarding HIV/AIDS. It has never occurred to
them that their husband or boyfriend could be a potential source of HIV infection.
However, CDC studies show that 67% of Black women with HIV contracted it, not from
drug use, but from heterosexual sex."

Spreading HIV/AIDS to Unsuspecting Mates

Many health care professionals attribute the rise in HIV/AIDS among Black women to
Black men on the "down low\" - gay or bisexual men who secretly have sex with other
men while maintaining relationships with women. Recent CDC studies indicate that
90% of HIV positive bisexual Black men don't even know that they are infected.
These men are unknowingly spreading the virus to the unsuspecting women in their

Houston, the author of Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs, says "Most down
low brothers are so skilled at concealing their secret lifestyle, that their wives
and girlfriends have no idea they're cheating - much less - cheating with another

Lies and Misinformation Abound

"The HIV/AIDS problem is compounded by the inability of Black women to accurately
assess whether or not a man is on the down low." Houston points out. "Terry
McMillan's recent divorce from her husband of 6 œ years who finally admitted he was
gay, shows how easily even savvy, street-smart Black women can be deceived by a man
on the down low."

Houston observes, "Many women have been mistakenly led to believe they can tell a
'down low brother' by outward appearance - the way he walks, talks, dresses, or
acts. The result? Many innocent Black men have been falsely accused. Women have
also been told that there are NO telltale signs. Because of all these lies and
false information, Black women aren't really sure how to tell if a man is on the
down low."

Signs of Same Sex Infidelity

Houston, who has spent 11 years studying and documenting signs of infidelity says,
"The down low is basically another form of infidelity - same sex infidelity. Which
means that most of the same signs of infidelity apply." The signs are covered in
detail in Houston's book, Is He Cheating on You? - 829 Telltale Signs, which lists
practically every known sign of infidelity, including the subtle signs women usually
overlook. (Lifestyle Publications, $29.95) http://www.InfidelityAdvice.com

"Part of the problem," explains Houston, "is that most women aren't even aware that
their partner is cheating. Even if they suspect, it never occurs to them that the
'Other Woman' could actually be another man. In addition to the standard signs of
infidelity (many of which are subtle and easily overlooked) there are certain signs
which indicate that his partner is another man. In order to protect themselves
against heterosexually-contracted HIV/AIDS, Black women need to know what these
signs are. Knowing what to look for is the key."

Tip Sheet Tells How to Detect the Down Low

Out of concern for the health of unsuspecting women who have no idea that their men
are on the down low, Houston has compiled a 2-part tip sheet called the Down Low
Dozen. Part I of the Down Low Dozen Tip Sheet outlines Houston's discreet 3-step
process for finding out if a man is on the down low. Part 2 of the Down Low Dozen
Tip Sheet gives advice on how to confront him about his down low status, what to do,
and where to get help. The Down Low Dozen Tip Sheet is FREE to any woman who
e-mails downlowdozen@gmail.com with "Down Low Dozen" in the subject line.

Knowledge is Power

Says Houston. "Every Black woman should know how to tell if her husband or boyfriend
is on the down low. This knowledge will reduce her risk of becoming infected with
heterosexually-contracted HIV/AIDS."

"Every Black woman should know her own and her partner's HIV status - her life could
depend on it. Getting tested is the only way to know for sure. If your health has
already been compromised, early treatment and careful monitoring can help keep the
virus from developing into full-blown AIDS. "

"In keeping with the theme of National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day --'get
educated, get tested, get treated and get involved,' -- act on this information.
The life you save may be your own."

About Ruth Houston:

Infidelity expert Ruth Houston is the author of Is He Cheating on You? - 829
Telltale Signs, which covers practically every known sign of infidelity. Ruth has
been quoted in the New York Times, Newsday, the New York Post, Cosmopolitan, the
Houston Chronicle, MSN Lifestyle, iVillage, AOL BlackVoices, City Life, and
numerous others. She has appeared on The Today Show, Good Day New York, 1010WINS,
TalkAmerica, Telemundo, The Breakfast Club, BBC, CBC and over 200 TV and radio talk
shows in the United States, Canada, Europe, the Caribbean, South America, Australia
and New Zealand.

To interview Ruth Houston, or have her speak to your group, call 718 592-6039 or
e-mail InfidelityExpert@gmail.com

For more information, about Ruth, her book, about infidelity or the down low, visit

Web Site = http://www.InfidelityAdvice.com

Contact Details = Ruth Houston
718 592-6039

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